Sunday, March 4, 2007

Work: "More" or less

I hate my memo, and I cannot narrow it down any more. Luckily, I'm going to meet with my professor tomorrow. I hate this shit. And I did not spend enough time outlining this weekend. I started my Con Law outline, but then after I had my soup and sandwich, instead of doing about 40 minutes of "more" work; I decided to watch the end of Santa Clara vs. St. Mary, like it was '93 and a Canadian guy named Nash was playing.

Then I watched some low lights of Showtime at the Apollo. I used to think it was funny as hell, when the people were getting booed of the stage. Now, I feel sorry for the people who got booed. I mean who the fuck do the audience think they are, half of them (including the Puerto Rickans, white and Asian Tourists in the crowd) don't even got the balls or the know how to get a Master's degree from Walden University or DeVry, let alone go on stage. I also know how it feels to fail so miserably, and be at the lowest of the low, where you want to listen to Portishead, and slit your wrists. Shit ain't funny, but like Dave Chappelle said, sometimes, when you bomb (or fail), you then know that it wasn't that bad, failing doesn't mean it is the end of the world.

I'm sick of this academic hoop jumping, and I ain't even stressing over my daily readings like I was last semester. I'm having some ice cream and going to bed after this.

And I'm yearning for early to mid 1990s music lately, I feel older. Like when I saw my classmate, J, literary aged right in front of my eyes, and my boy, C, who I sit next to in two classes got gray hair all of a sudden this year. I swear Law School will do that to you.

Less chill and a bit more work this week, and I will feel better when the memo is cut down, and Wed. when one assignment will be knocked out.

1 comment:

atrackbrown said...

yo, i have the silver strands too. it sucks.