Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Out of Time / Flashpoint 2/24/07

I ran out of time to accomplish everything, and falling a bit more behind in Criminal Law. Bernhard Goetz, vigilante? hero? victim reacting? or racist bastard?

anyhow, is outlining pointless, 'cos once you get behind, it just damn impossible to get done.
I'm sick of soup and sandwiches, and even gourmet TV dinners don't cut it no more.

Need some Harolds' (no I don't that shit is bad for me)

Flashpoint: 2/24/07

what the fuck am I doin' ordering Dave Hollister CDs on the internet? I never really liked his material, I mean good voice, bad song writing. But I think I worn out "R." and I need something "citified" or "urban" for me to listen to. I think I just have to keep myself being myself, i.e. I can't forget about what makes it. And since being in here, I can't listen to any white music, I mean I love Franz Ferdinand, Blur, Wilco and all, but I can't listen to it, and I can't listen to anything white college kids like....see NO Jurassic 5 (my homeboy from ATL calls it "barbershop hip-hop") and no Gnarls Barkley. And I left my Mellencamp CDs at home. I think I miss urbanity whether its Chicago or Tokyo, see the playlist. I'm not letting this whole process overwhelm or stress me, and part of it is to retain my essence and music is part of it. Real soul music from Northern soul, underground pretensious shit, and shit only Black people, Jimmy,and Japanese soul heads listen to.

Talk about things, Asian, yes, we have to do ethnic food, as me and my lunch buddy found the best Korean place outside of Yokohama, not that I ever kicked it in Yokohama, just heard there was a lot of Koreans there. I need that ethnic-Asian food day, its like a comfort food for me. It is not necessary good for me, but it keeps me sane. In my old city, I used to go to this Chinese spot on Broadway for lunch everytime I was feeling down or lost. The hot and sour soup, and General Tso's Chicken that could feed 1/2 the North Korean army always hits the spot.

Thanks to me for helping me find me this semester.

1 comment:

atrackbrown said...

you're making me hungry.

anyway, do you have all of eric roberson's cds? he has a new one, Left; it bangs; i think you'd like it.